Drive to the Hinterlands

scenic spot on the top of the mountain

Stopping for lunch, we prepared a picnic bag

The Rocks, Sydney - queing for a Turkish bread (made of pizza type dough and filled with fetta cheese and spinach, then grilled to cook.

Turkish pizza turnover

Found this restaurant near the central station, Cafe de Macau, but still closed for lunch.

Walking from Central station to Paddy's in the City.

The night we arrived in Sydney Olympic Park, where we booked for 2 nights accommodation.

Next day, we walked to the train station about 8am going to the city.
The train is 3 levels.
We bought the day tripper pass, $17/adult and $9.20/child - we can use the ferry, bus and train
for the whole day, hop on hop off.

Krystina and Dad on the top level of the train.

Along the Circular Quay. Krystina with her bag of goodies from the market.

Resting in the steps of Opera House

Ethan and Krystina inside the hotel room window watching the fireworks from ANZ Stadium where they were having the Easter show.

Fireworks from the Sydney Royal Easter Show in ANZ Stadium

Harbour bridge

Opera House

The famous Bondi Beach

playing in the sand of Bondi Beach

Chasing the seagulls.

Going back to the hotel by ferry

The Circular Quay Railway station.

Ethan yelling at mummy to come back and sit down, he's scared that mum will jump off the ferry.

View from our hotel window early morning.

Looking down the window